The Barra MacNeils
Kyle, Lucy, Sheumas, Stewart, Boyd and Jamie Gatte

2018 marks 31 years for the Sydney Mines, Cape Breton Island based MacNeils, in an outstanding recording and touring career. Multi-award winners, The Barra MacNeils have released numerous recordings. Canada’s Celtic ambassadors, The Barra MacNeils continue to perform to sold-out audiences throughout Canada, the USA, the Caribbean and United Kingdom.

Time: 7 pm: Opening Ceremonies
7:30 pm: Special Musical Guests THE BARRA MACNEILS

Place: Miramichi Civic Centre • 487 King George Highway

Tickets: Advance $35.00* • Door $40.00
On sale locally at Brookdale Flower Shop, Kingston Car Wash or at www.miramichifolksongfestival.com

Weekly Passes: $100 includes all evening shows and closing Dinner/concert. Opening ceremonies will include, Mayor Adam Lordon, Hon. Bill Fraser, Hon. Lisa Harris and MP Pat Finnigan.



  1. Linda on August 9, 2018 at 6:02 pm

    Please let me know if we need to bring chairs to the concert, and if it is in a building or covered structure.

    Would love to attend, but want to be prepared!


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